Friday, 7 January 2011

Swiss cell

is an innovative construction material which combines the light weight of honeycombs with the stability of cellulose, ennobled through the „Diamond Effect". 
Cellulose fibres, soaked in a special resin are compressed under high temperature and high pressure to form a new homogenous honeycomb material that possesses exceptional characteristics. 

is extremely lightweight, very stable, very fast and easy to process. It insulates exceptionally well and lasts over generations. And it is - at the same time - absolutely inexpensive. With SwissCell, a universally applicable construction material opens new possibilities in construction and building. 

A lot of what we still today construct out of wooden boards or chipboards, steel construction or other "old materials" to insulate, to frame, to support or to enclose will be replaced by more intelligent and versatile solutions.Innovative high-tech solutions like SwissCell.

The SwissCell Diamond Effect
Through pressure and heat, new characteristics are created.

A pressure of 30 bars and 160 degrees Celsius turn an almost worthless raw material like cellulose into a precious homogeneous material with completely new characteristics: the filigree SwissCell honeycomb. The special resin which is contained in the cellulose hardens abruptly under heat and pressure to become extremely stiff, robust and lightweight honeycombs.

As honeycomb composite it is producible at 1'500 mm width and in any length. It doesn't need seems and, being an absolutely homogeneous material that can be excellently processed, it convinces experts from all over the world.

SwissCell sandwich panels can have the most diversified surfaces - from granite to glass (SwissCell Transparent), from synthetics with directed lighting up to special noise protection boards.